MONTHLY PREDICTIONS.................................................

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Sweet Taurus may be feeling just a bit more tired than usual right now. That is because Mars is sitting in your twelfth house and will stay there all month long. Mars is a high energy planet but the twelfth house is all about quiet self-reflection. The two do not match up all that well and the result is that Mars is squashed and we end up feeling more tired and worn out. It is time to take care of yourself. Think about getting away for a few days and going on retreat. Maybe visit a spa or do some inner work. There is often a sense of discouragement when this happens, so be sure to be good to yourself and do not let yourself get too down in the dumps. Mercury is here as well, at least until the 16th and this can increase your intuitive abilities and desire to connect with higher energies. There might be some special dreams or you decide to get a reading of some sort. There is a call to investigate that which is unknowable.

The good news right now is that Venus is visiting Taurus and so is sitting pretty in your first house of self. It slides up to your Sun and lends a sense of grace and charm. Everyone wants to be around you now. A good time to interview for a job or put yourself out there in some way as you will be well received. There might also be some kind of interest in the arts. If you are at all artistic, then this Venus period is going to be a nice blessing. It stays here until the 24th so most of the month. This month is also notable for Uranus and Jupiter coming together on the 20th. Uranus is all about change and newness and Jupiter just likes to pour gas on the fire. So bigger, better and more is the motto of the day. There can be some kind of change that takes you by surprise. It may be a new way of dealing with a situation or a sudden insight. It can also be some kind of news that comes from someone else and is a surprise to you.

As one by one Venus, Jupiter and the Sun move out of Taurus and into Gemini, you are looking at financial matters. It is a good time for long-range financial planning. Taurus is a very grounded energy and has a steadiness that helps in decision making.



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