MONTHLY PREDICTIONS.................................................

Order a reading from Susan


It looks like you are ready for a short trip out of town. This may be a few days away to visit a friend or you just decide to do a day-trip somewhere fun. It does look like you are in the car a bit more than usual now, but that is not a bad thing. You may even be thinking of buying a new vehicle. This can be a car but also a boat, motorcycle or tractor. If it moves, you are interested. This area of the chart is also all about communication. You have four planets beginning the month here, so you are talking more, writing more and in meetings more. You may be grading papers or proofreading something for a friend. The mind is strong and active and you readily share ideas and have fascinating conversations. Because the mind is so active now, it is a good time to take a class or open up to some new kind of study. It is also good for teaching if you are involved in the education system at all.

Money seems to be a bit better this month. There may an unexpected opportunity to earn some extra income. Say yes and ask for just a little more than they are offering. You may also find yourself spending a bit more than usual. There can be impulsive spending and fun spending as well. You are doing some nice things for yourself. You may earn money from a speaking engagement. Just keep the receipts in case you need to return something. But I say go out and enjoy a little "for me" spending.

As the month wears on three of the four planets in your third house will enter your fourth house and the tone shifts. On the 21st the Sun leaves, followed by Venus on the 24th and Jupiter brings up the rear, making its move on the 26th. You will feel the change by the last week of May, maybe a bit earlier. Now you want to stay home and nest. Relatives and friends come to visit and you want your home to look nice. There is cleaning and cooking and having friends over for a nice dinner. There is also a lovely New Moon here on the 6th. You have some new ideas of what you want to do in the home. Maybe move furniture around or make some kind of purchase that you have been thinking about for some time. Your home is your castle. Enjoy.



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