MONTHLY PREDICTIONS.................................................

Order a reading from Susan


What is going on with the romantic life of Scorpio this month? The sign of The Scorpion is all about relationships right now. You have four planets beginning the month in this area of the chart. If married then you want some alone time with your spouse. If single, then you want to meet someone special. Either way this is a very social month. Be prepared for more invitations and social activities happening. It may be a picnic in the park or a weekend in Vegas but you are out and about and in demand. I love it. Too often Scorpio just wants to stay home and not have people bother them. But now you are enjoying being in demand. It is also a month in which you decide to treat yourself well. This can be finally buying an item you have had your eye on for a long time, but it can be some generous gifts to others as well. Be especially careful when you are out shopping. This area of the chart is not known for its discipline so we can overspend pretty easily.

One by one Venus, Jupiter and the Sun move out of this house and into the eighth house, which is more your wheelhouse. On the 21st the Sun makes its move, followed by Venus on the 24th and finishes up with Jupiter leaving on the 26th. So the closer it gets to the end of the month the more you will retreat into self. The eighth house is reserved and very private. The good news about this is that this is one of the two money houses and there can be some additional income finding its way to you. It is a passionate house and you want intimacy with your partner. There is also a New Moon happening here on May 6th. There may be some changes here but I think they will be positive changes.

Do not forget that There is also a Full Moon on the 22nd in your third house of communication. You may be asked for your opinion or find yourself doing some public speaking. I know public speaking is not Scorpio's favorite thing but you may step up and hit it out of the park right now. There may be some writing that you do right now as well. Siblings can show up and be more present in your life.



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