MONTHLY PREDICTIONS.................................................

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Sweet Libra is really looking at their finances this month. That is because you begin the month of May with Venus, Jupiter, Uranus and the Sun all start the month of May visiting here. You are looking at income and how to increase it. Maybe you create a new budget or pay off the car and are now free from car payments. There is sometimes extra money coming to you. How do you use it? Or maybe you are looking at estate planning. What will you need for retirement? This area is also one about life and death. Do not be surprised if you start to think more about death and dying. You may talk to your family about your final wishes or have a conversation about creation vs burial. These are not light-hearted topics, yet they are the ones that will find their way into your conversation. This is a time of deep thought and introspection. You may want to talk to a counselor of some sort as this can have a very strong tone of psychological healing.

Some of all this inner work may have to do with partnerships. May has Mercury and Mars both in your area of love, marriage and romance. No one does romance like a Libra! You may be planning something special for your loved one or partner. This can be a time to enjoy life and be good to yourself. Do not be surprised if you find yourself overspending on fun stuff. How do you want to give to yourself and to others? This may be a massage or spa day, maybe getting an astrological reading or just paying for a nice meal out. It is generous and loving and you will not only spend on yourself you will be spending on the people you love. It is time to say Yes, to the joy of life.

Libra is still dealing with Saturn in your sixth house of health and well-being. This means there may still be some health issues that you need to focus on. This is not the time to ignore any warning signs. But a time to be extra disciplined about diet and exercise. Neptune is here as well and Neptune often clouds the issue. You may hear your doctor say they want to watch something or they are not sure about the cause of something. Very normal with Neptune. But also a great time for holistic healing.



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