MONTHLY PREDICTIONS.................................................

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The sign of The Goat has their mind on having some fun and enjoying life this month. Usually you can find Capricorn working hard and staying late at the office. But not now. No, now they want to go on vacation, spend time with friends and enjoy a little romance. Forget work. There is also a New Moon in this same house on May 7th. If you are single, then you want to meet someone new and all the planets sitting here, may just bring you the partner of your dreams. May is going to be a very social time for you. Invitations pour in and all you have to do is decide which ones you want to accept. There may be a beach weekend that beckons but you decide on the quick getaway to New York for a fun time with your friends. And if you are married or otherwise involved, then this can be a fabulous time for romance. Your partner plans something special that puts stars in your eyes. And if all that does not sound pleasurable enough, this area of the chart is also extremely creative. If you are involved in the arts at all then your creative juices are flowing! Music, dance and photography may be areas of interest and you come up with some new ideas just out of the blue. Capricorns sometimes forget to make time for themselves, but not now. May is your month.

But that is not all that is going on. You have both Saturn and Neptune sitting in your area of siblings and extended family. There may be some confusion about a family issue, where there is no clear answer. You may be pulled in two different directions as your head pulls you in one direction and your heart in another. On the plus side, it is very intuitive and for sure, listen to that still small voice within. Family seems to be all around you right now. Mars and Mercury are both in your fourth house and that means family stuff coming up. But since both are in Aries, do not be surprised if there is some irritation with family members no matter how much you love them. Aries can be a tad impatient and you are going to speak up and tell them whatever is on your mind. There may even be some family (or those you consider family) who decide to drop in for a visit. There is lots of cleaning up and getting the house ready, but you are still glad they come see you.



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