MONTHLY PREDICTIONS.................................................

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The Crab starts the month with Mars moving into your tenth house and area of career. You are ready to work hard and get ahead in your professional life. Mercury is here as well and stays until the 16th. There might be a lot of meetings and phone calls and paperwork as you try and juggle everything asked of you. You may even be volunteering for some kind of special project to get the attention of the higher ups. On the 16th Mercury leaves Aries and moves into Taurus and some of the busyness starts to dissipate.

The eleventh house is the one that is full of all kinds of conflicting energies. The Sun is here but so is Venus and Uranus and Jupiter. Then Mercury moves in as well on the 16th. So much going on! It is time to come out of your shell and be with friends. A vacation get-a-way might be in the works. Old friends call or you might pick up the phone yourself and reconnect with those you have not seen in a long time. This area is all about groups, so you might join a new group or even start a group that is devoted to some subject that you are interested in. This house is all about the future. You take some time to sit and contemplate where you want to be in five year, ten years.

As the month progresses, first the Sun and then Venus and Jupiter move out of Taurus and into Gemini. After so much social activity, you just want to sit quietly by yourself and hit the reset button. It is time to take care of you. Your energy levels are low by the end of May and it is not a good time to demand a lot of physical activity of yourself. Instead it might be a good time to go on some kind of spiritual retreat and look within. This is a very intuitive time as we move into June. There can be visions and activities that really make you feel at-one with some kind of higher force. The Full Moon of May 22nd is going to light up your seventh house of love, romance and partners. Make some time for love and you will be glad you did.



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