SIGN OF THE MONTH...................................................
Order a reading from Susan

April 21st - May 20th

Venus 2nd Earth Fixed Bull Neck & Throat

Most people know that the symbol for Taurus is the Bull. And Taurus is known for their legendary temper. But you would be very surprised and think you had it all wrong if you met the typical Taurus person. They are quiet and peaceful and you will think astrology has it all wrong thinking these placid people have any kind of temper at all. And to some degree you will be right. Taurus likes their peace and quiet. They are a fixed sign and settled in their ways. Some people enjoy being in a rut and the sign of the Bull is one of them. And stubborn! Don't even get me started. Getting the Sun to come out at night can be easier than getting these people to change course once they have started down a path. They have a bit of tunnel vision and just keep going no matter what. But that's not such a bad quality to have. If you want to get something accomplished you are going to need the Bulls to make sure things get done and no one gives up. Because they don't give up they don't expect you to either. You will find Taurus working at the same job for 30 years and still in their first marriage. They know a thing or two about hanging on. Most Taurus people want to be comfortable and secure. So most of them love to stay home and relax. You are not going to find these people out clubbing every day, not even every weekend. It can make their partners crazy to try and get them dressed up and ready to go out on the town. This is not the social butterfly of the zodiac. They know what they want and usually go after it with a silent determination that just doesn't stop. They know a few things about money as well. We don't usually think of Taurus as a money sign but believe me they think about it all the time. It's not that they are greedy but they are security conscious and believe in putting a few dollars away for a rainy day. That's why they are such good bankers, accountants and business people. But don't forget that their ruling planet is Venus. They love pleasure and peace and want nice things around them. This is a very sensual sign and they will be upset if the living room looks cluttered or their clothes outdated. Enjoy their company but remember there is a lot more than meets the eye.


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