
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on March 25th 2024 - 5° Libra back to blog »


We get a Full Moon when the Sun and the Moon are opposite each other. This month the Sun is in Aries and the Moon is in Libra opposing it. AND we have a Lunar Eclipse. And Eclipse happens when the Earth appears to get between the Sun and the Moon, thereby 'eclipsing' the light of the Moon. As I have said many times, in long ago days Eclipses were considered to be portents of doom for those in power. Kings and Queens were afraid of what an eclipse could bring. These days those in power are Presidents and Prime Ministers as well as Kings and Queens. We might be look at those with great power in terms of business. The leaders of Microsoft and Amazon and Twitter can be considered those in power. Eclipses take us from one reality to another reality. And 'as above, so below'. What can affect the rulers of the world, will also affect us. When we are dealing with Aries/Libra energies, we are talking about all kinds of relationships and partnerships. So the question becomes "what kind of partnership do you want?" If you are involved in any kind of romantic relationships, trust me, issues can come now that need to be addressed. That doesn't mean you have to fight about it, but it does mean it needs to be resolved. And this goes for business partnerships as well. How do we assert ourselves without running over someone else? Aries is about leadership and forcefulness, but Libra wants peace and harmony. How do we have both? A tricky question but one we can now find answers to.

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