
March 2024 - New Moon on March 10th 2024 - 20° Pisces back to blog »


I love Pisces New Moon's. There is something so mystical and mysterious about them. They call to what is buried deep within ourselves. A New Moon is all about creation. What is it we wish to create in this world? Forget more money or better job. Those are fine wishes for a regular Moon. But under the rays of a Pisces Moon we let go of mundane wishes and instead we decide to create world peace or touch the hem of the Divine. Ordinary wishes simply will not do. The influence of the New Moon is felt up to three days before the Moon and about two days afterwards. During this time we have one foot in two different worlds. We open our hearts and are able to forgive. We can use the power of this New Moon to forgive old sins and long held grudges. Pisces is able to forgive and we become free from the pain of the past. Talk about magical. Our sleep patterns change. Sometimes we cannot sleep and other times we dream fabulous dreams of long forgotten times and even have precognitive dreams of what is to be. A bit confusing to say the least. Pisces energy is not about having all the answers, it is more about asking new questions. We seek to know the unknowable with Pisces. We reach up to higher realms and bring back a little of that magic into our lives. We all become more intuitive with Pisces and with this New Moon we can increase our intuitive skills big time. Trust your feelings. And speaking of feelings, we are all much more emotional under a water Moon. No matter how practical and down to earth we usually are, we touch our emotional base more with a New Moon in Pisces. So yes, we may all be more scattered and disconnected from daily life but we are much more connected to the peace, beauty and compassion of the Universe.

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